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2022 District XIII Holstein Show Results

The Minnesota State District XIII Holstein Show was held on July 27th, 2022, at the Stearns County Fairgrounds. Judge Tony Kohls placed a total of 66 animals, results are as follows:


Spring Heifer Calf

  1. Andrew Aristocrat Etsy-RED exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  2. Andrew Moovin Delux-ET exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  3. SL-Acres War Fauna-RED-ET exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch
  4. SL-Acres War Fable-RED-ET exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch
  5. Ralma Tropic Tic Toc exhibited by Ralma Holsteins
  6. McAndrews Warrior Lilly exhibited by Mary McAndrews
  7. McAndrews Jordy Avalanch exhibited by Luke McAndrews
  8. Andrew Analyst Cardi-B-RED exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  9. Jer-Lindy Talon All-In exhibited by Jer-Lindy Farms


Winter Heifer Calf

  1. Luck-E Bigtime Astar exhibited by Brooklyn & Brianna Holtz
  2. Tri-Day Tapdance 3255-ET exhibited by Avery Rieland
  3. Annapolis exhibited by Sophia Schiffler
  4. McAndrews Doc Tulip 3254-ET exhibited by Mary McAndrews
  5. McAndrews Denver B 3256 exhibited by Caleb Miller
  6. Schillview Moovin Cora-RED exhibited by Molly, Isaac & Macy Albers
  7. Ralma Renegade Jamaica exhibited by April Klaphake
  8. McAndrews Doc Aster 3257-ET exhibited by Luke McAndrews
  9. Andrew Lambda Diorite-ET exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  10. Jer-Lindy Zinger Accio exhibited by Allison Ratka
  11. BH-Cattle Dback Malia 902 exhibited by Brooklyn & Brianna Holtz


Fall Heifer Calf

  1. Andrew Unstop Spritzer-RED exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  2. Gratz Doorman Felicity-ET exhibited by Taylor Fester
  3. Tri-Emerald Radio Rebel exhibited by Tyler Ratka
  4. Ralma Lambda Kite exhibited by April Klaphake
  5. Andrew Backflip Timeout exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  6. McAndrews Strawberry 3208-RED exhibited by Avery Rieland
  7. SL-Acres Aval Alice-RED-ET exhibited by Molly, Isaac & Molly Albers
  8. SL-Acres Avalanche Autumn-ET exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch
  9. Maus-Ann Hancock Dew exhibited by Briana Maus
  10. Jer-Lindy Perfect Carlita exhibited by Jer-Lindy Farms
  11. McAndrews DL Faith exhibited by Caleb Miller


Summer Yearling Heifer

  1. SL-Acres Warrior Fiesta-RED exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch
  2. Taylorview Warrior Millie exhibited by Taylor Fester
  3. Shill-Da Moovin Dawn exhibited by Molly, Isaac & Macy Albers
  4. Jer-Lindy Rip City Griffith exhibited by Megan Rakta
  5. Andrew Analyst Coors-RED exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  6. Sauk-Valley Rlite Barb-RED exhibited by Nicholas Achen
  7. BH-Cattle Everly 901-RED exhibited by Brooklyn & Brianna Holtz
  8. Maus-Ann Doc Missy exhibited by Briana Maus
  9. Shill-Da Moovin Amabel exhibited by Molly, Isaac & Macy Albers
  10.  SL-Acres Bettin on Black exhibited by Megan Landkammer


Spring Yearling Heifer

  1. SL-Acres Analyzing Time exhibited by Megan Landkammer


Winter Yearling Heifer

  1. Heatherstone Gold Nugget-ET exhibited by Allison Ratka


Fall Yearling Heifer

  1. DJL Purplepride A Angie-RED-ET exhibited by Taylor Fester
  2. Heatherstone Ravyn-RED-ET exhibited by Tyler Rakta
  3. Landkammer Hancock Gemma-ET exhibited by Megan Landkammer


Junior Champion

Champion: SL-Acres Warrior Fiesta-RED exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch

Reserve Champion: DJL Purplepride A Angie-RED-ET exhibited by Taylor Fester


Junior Best Three Females

  1. J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch
  2. Andrew Holsteins
  3. Mary McAndrews


Summer Junior Two Year Old

  1. Jer-Lindy Aura Rockette exhibited by Tyler Rakta


Junior 2 Year Old

  1. Schillview Warrior Gelda exhibited by Cory Schmidt
  2. Andrew Warrior Ecstasy exhibited by Andrew Holsteins
  3. RyBerg Brokaw Love ME exhibited by Ryan Talberg
  4. Ralma Doorman Design exhibited by Ralma Holsteins
  5. BH-Cattle Enchanted 900-RED exhibited Brooklyn & Brianna Holtz


Senior 2 Year Old

  1. RyBerg Tattoo Turquoise exhibited by Ryan Talberg
  2. Jer-Lindy Hotjob Milktruck exhibited by Tyler Rakta
  3. Ralma Doc Tic Tac exhibited by Ralma Holsteins


Junior 3 Year Old

  1. Jer-Lindy Scotch Robin exhibited by Allison Rakta
  2. Maus-Ann Yoder Miley exhibited by Briana Maus
  3. Sauk-Valley Cvette Delilah exhibited Nicholas, John, Jack & Joseph Achen

Senior 3 Year Old

  1. McAndrews Byway Faith 2701 exhibited by Avery Rieland


4 Year Old

  1. SL-Acres D-Back Feliz-RED exhibited by T. Rohner Swart, N. Donnay & J. Schaefer
  2. Ralma Pety Piper exhibited by Ralma Holsteins
  3. Jer-Lindy Mntry Mini-Wheat exhibited by Megan Ratka
  4. RyBerg MCC Emmy Lou exhibited by Ryan Talberg
  5. McAndrews DBack 2614-RED-TW exhibited by McAndrews Dairy LLC. 


5 Year Old

  1. Maus-Ann Mogul Majesty exhibited by Briana Maus


6 Year Old

  1. King-Lane Abs Always-RED exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch


Best Udder: King-Lane Abs Always-RED exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch


Senior Champion: King-Lane Abs Always-RED exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch

Reserve Senior Champion: Schillview Warrior Gelda exhibited by Cory Schmidt


Grand Champion: King-Lane Abs Always-RED exhibited by J. Schaefer, G. Jackson, P & A Waldoch

Reserve Grand Champion: Schillview Warrior Gelda exhibited by Cory Schmidt


Premier Breeder: Andrew Holsteins

Premier Exhibitor: Andrew Holsteins